Sunday, February 3, 2008


not!!! It is not as cold here this week as it was last week - so there is no excuse for sitting around doing nothing. Yesterday I took my little "babies" to a Boston Terrier Meetup group for an hour. This is sort of a "playdate" for dogs... yes, I know - weird, BUT believe it or not dogs get antsy when they are cooped up for a week! They had fun AND they will sleep the rest of the weekend.

In my never ending search for UFO completion - I finished my Moda, Cherry Hill Sampler Quilt - granted it has panels in it so it wasn't that hard to get finished - but I have had it for about 3 years - so I guess it was time to get it done. I LOVE the dark reds and black and want to applique REAL blocks like the panels!!

Thought for The Day
Slow and Steady!


Shirley said...

Hi Deb!

I am glad you are catching up with some of YOUR work -- you do so much for others -- I know how busy you are.

-- you are such a good friend.


Debbie said...

Well... it takes one to know one!