That for sure got your attention!!!
Kansas Spirit quilt - the block on the left is called Tonganoxie 9-patch and the block on the right is called Kansas Dugout. I have 8 blocks so far, including the three that I have collected in my block swap. I will make the quilt with 12 or 16 blocks, depending on how many I receive from my block swap.
We are currently fostering a little dog named Buster. He is 8 years old and has some health issues - but he's a cuddly little guy. He will be staying with us until the early part of May and then will move onto a foster home in B.C., where his health issues can be taken care of. Please support Boston Terrier Club of Canada Rescue - so we can help the Buster's of the world! Buster loves to cuddle under my quilts !! - usually where we find him during the day.
Think of what you have instead of what you want
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
I like reading your blog, however, I am going to remove it from my bloglines list. Everything is good up to the statement "Please support the Boston Terrier Club of Canada". It makes me feel everything I read was just in preparation to be snared by a commercial.
It also makes me feel guilty that I don't support your group, and then I have to remind myself re the charties I do support, the SPCA being one of our biggest.
I think the work you do is wonderful but that commerical at the end makes me feel guilty and there isn't any reason why I should feel as such.
I doubt you'll post this in your blog comments and that is fine but please read it and reflect on what I have said. Why don't you just put a link in your sidebar to the BT recue group, and let it go at that.
I have no problem in identifying myself however, I would appreciate it if you do not respond to my email, as there isn't anything more to say on the matter.
I like your blog, and don't mind the comment at the end. We are all passionate about something and the blogs are to represent who we are.
I am curious about the swap blocks - Kansas Spirit quilt. The blocks look so nice together, is everyone using the same fabric lines?
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