My never ending quest to educate about quilt backing continues!! The following quilt back was two lengths of fabric sewn together to create the larger piece. Upon first examination, the back looked fine - look what happened when I placed it over my quilt frame rails to check if it was really square!! It wasn't square at all, although one side was a bit better than the other!, so that meant squaring it up - BUT, the quilt back was only an extra 5-6" to begin with..... SO, that meant when I finally did square it up the back only had an extra 2 or 3 inches - not good, but it was workable. So, if I had put this quilt on the frame without checking it - the quilt would have rolled up uneven - which could mean puckers and other problems when quilting..... I guess the moral of the story is.... if you don't square, leave some spare!!
One of the best tutuorials I have ever seen on squaring a quilt top can be found
here, on YouTube. Take a moment to check this valuable piece of info!
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Thanks for sharing the link on the squaring the backing. Hmmm..I sure would love to have one of those cutting tables.
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