here in Northern Alberta. I just came back from a few days in Calgary where I had an early Christmas with my family. I also had a lovely lunch with my quilting buddies.... thanks Noell, Bobbie, Rosa and Shirley - I had such a nice time with you all... even tho my coughing was annoying. I have been fighting a cold that has really bothered my Asthma.... I rarely get Asthma troubles, but when I do it sounds awful. Our weather is supposed to warm up in the next few days, which I am thankful for.

I am all ready for Christmas.... this is the last of my Christmas items that I made - it is a tote bag for Magpie the dog's vet - Dr. Sandra.
Thought for the Day
A Palace without affection is a poor hovel, and the meanest hut with love in it is a Palace for the soul.
Robert Ingersoll
Taken from the book The Footprints Book of Daily Inspirations.
Debbie I hope you feel better soon. I am glad that you had a good time with your family.
Hope that cough settles down soon...nothing worse in the winter than a cold which won't let up.
Deb - I am glad you had a safe trip home. It was so nice to get out
and meet you for lunch on Friday.
I hope your cough is better. It was so great to see you - you are very special to me. love Shirley
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