I started a pottery course in October and have finally received my pieces..... this was a hand building class and I really enjoyed it. The clay is dug and made in Athabasca, Alberta, which is, in itself, a considerable feat. We have a great Pottery Group here who does all of this... so now that I have finished my beginner class I can join the group..... another hobby.... LOL
Thought for the Day
Nick: [slamming a bottle on the bar] That's it. Out you two pixies go - through the door, or out the window.
"It's a Wonderful Life", the movie
Good for you....just what you needed, something else to fill in your time!
Hi Debbie
Glad to hear you have taken up pottery. Your first pieces look great. I did pottery myself years ago and I loved it. I would love to take it up again one day.
Have a lovely Christmas.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!
DEB - You have reached a milestone - I hope you reach many many more.
You are such a special person and
my dearest friend.
I am so glad you came down to Calgary and had lunch with us. Shirley
I like your pottery. It is one of
my favorite things to do - I did
lots of it in the park in Arizona during our 'snowbird' time.
Let your imagination run free - and go for it. I wish we could do some hand building together. Shirley
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