Sunday, December 21, 2008

Be Careful....

what you wish for - LOL.... Well, after being stranded for 3 days in Calgary - I am home.... but oh boy, is it ever cold. It was -35 celsius when I woke up this morning... and so much for moaning about not having snow awhile back. This is the view from my sewing room this morning...

There had been a terrible snow storm in Calgary over the past few days... and while I had a great visit with family and friends.... we couldn't do too much because of the weather. Magpie and Tooie loved gramma's fireplace tho.... and didn't stray far from that!


Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Debbie
That view is amazing. The snow looks very deep. Can you send some over here? We would welcome it now the schools are out.

em's scrapbag said...

The snow is lovely. I just love it. It is snowing here again today. After dumping 3" Friday.