When I went to Quilt Market last year in Pittsburgh, I saw the most stunningly beautiful quilt... and I had to make it. I knew it would be a "monster" but I wanted to do it anyways. I had hoped to finish it at Christmas... but that never happened; but, I have been work furiously to finish it aaannnd..... it is finally done. It is called Floreo and is by 4 and 6 Designs. The quilt is 78 X 96 and I can't wait to quilt it. With this off my plate, I can now start some other UFO's..... maybe even that Vintage Valentine.
Thought for the Day
Learn from the mistakes made by others, You won't live long enough to make them all yourself.
That quilt is awesome. I haven't seen anything like it before. Good job on finishing that.
Wow....that is an amazing quilt! The colours just glow.
Debbie it is beautiful. Did you know the name florero means flowerful?
You did a beautiful job on it.
Can't wait to see how you quilt it.
Did you say Vintage Valentine??
When you signed on for my giveaway, I visited your blog. Then I saw you are a fellow Sagitarian. Yikes, are you as scattered as I am? Gotta blame it on something.
Deb- what a beautiful quilt . I hope you keep it!
It is glorious! Shirley
I can not even begin to imagine piecing all that black and then those beautiful flowers. This is a gorgeous quilt!
Wow! That quilt is amazing! I'm having a good day if I can get a nine-patch to turn out correctly...LOL. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Feel free to follow me. Love your blog!
no wonder you had to make it! it is just beautiful......Melinda
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