Wow... can't believe how time flies lately....It would be nice if I could say we are waiting for Spring.... but, alas.... another snow storm this morning keeps me snug in my quilting room, studying and sewing - LOL. I have been doing a lot of quilting lately, so that has kept me quit busy. I am all caught up, which is a great feeling.
I received two blocks last week for two separate swaps - the heart block is from my monthly quilt block swap (we swap blocks related to the month) and the other block is for my civil war quilt, which should just about be ready to put together. I think I need one more block.
On Wednesday, February 25, I will be a guest blogger at the
Quilting Gallery. I will be blogging about how I choose quilt designs when I quilt for others and myself. I would be pleased to hear your feedback on my topic.
I watched the greatest movie on the weekend -
Passchendaele, written, produced, and directed by Canadian Paul Gross. It is a wonderful love story set in World War I and many scenes were set in Calgary, in the early part of the century. It was wonderful to see my hometown depicted in a movie! If you like period love stories I think you will enjoy this movie!
Oh... and on Saturday morning I stubbed my toe on the side of the bathtub/sink AND.... broke a toe, maybe two.... ugly looking foot I have... but I had to teach a machine quilting class saturday morning... so I just gritted my teeth and went for it. I have broken several toes - and have come to the conclusion that I have "large chimpanzee toes" - LOL.... but, my foot and toes are black and blue, the toe beside the little toe is huge and swolen.... and today it doesn't feel too bad.
Thought for the DayNo kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.Amelia Earhart